
Wow, summer has galloped past, hasn't it? Here we are in the middle of August already. I think our garden has one more party in it before everything is too worn out. As for writing, it goes on! Here's a diabolical exercise I gave my workshop today. We only had a half hour for the whole thing -- I think you could easily spend that much time just on your list. Have fun!
·      The First—Write a list of “firsts,” including:

the first house you remember living in
your first romantic kiss
your first serious illness
the first important death you experienced (pet, loved one, famous person)
your first apartment or house you lived in on your own
the first person or people you lived with who were not relatives
the first time you remember feeling ashamed
the first time you slept outdoors
your first car
your first marriage
your first divorce
the first time you tried to swim
the first time you remember being really good at something
the first time you got drunk
your first job
your first journey on your own
the first time you remember telling a lie

You get the picture — add your own firsts to this list, as many as possible. At any time during the listing you feel some heat from one or more of the firsts, go ahead and write your poem. Otherwise, when you finish your list, use at least 10 of the firsts in a poem.

Feel free to move back and forward in time. Stay in the present tense if possible.

End your poem with something about writing this poem. 

Link of the week: This may seem strange, but my link of the week is Facebook
Yes, it can be a gigantic time-suck, but I have read more poetry and heard about more poetry events, new books, etc. on Facebook than anywhere else. Every time I think about signing off for good because of the time I spend looking at cat videos, I remember all the great information about poets and poetry I find there. 
